Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Create ads that are brave and wonderful

Here are two print campaigns I love. Canadian Club Whiskey from Energy BBDO. And Havaianas ads like this one from AlmapBBDO. On the surface they couldn't be more different. The former campaign is insightful and cool. While the latter is all unmetered joy. But they share one important trait. Courage. I am not sure how Energy BBDO convinced Canadian Club that the key to reaching a new generation was to create an homage to an old one. And I'm not sure how AlmapBBDO sold Havaianas on the idea that cynicism and edge are inferior to happiness and beauty. But they did. Our world, and our industry, is better for it.


Justin said...

Those Canadian Club ads hit me over the head last time I was thumbing through a men's magazine waiting to get my haircut. I had to check and make sure my dad wasn't actually in any of the pictures they're so realistic of the sort of photographs still around from that era. A killer insight, well executed. Damn right indeed.

Annunci Gratuiti said...

Only by trial and error will you be able to set a baseline as to the best response rates for your ads and copy. It is very important to maximize response for the amount of dollars spent. Sometimes re-phrasing copy or adjusting ad layouts can mean the difference between an average response and a great response.