Thursday, December 8, 2011

What I learned this year 2011 #3: Matt Ingwalson

For the three people that read my blog and not The Denver Egotist, here is "What I Learned This Year 2011 #3: Matt Ingwalson" in its entirety:

In January, I learned that energy is 99% of my job.

In February, I learned that if a business wants to be indecisive, it better also be rich.

In March, I learned that scrappy wins. That you can shoot great TV for less than you think. And that you should couple the print and video shoots if you can. Twice this year, I found my way into situations where a film director also happened to be an amazing photographer. Both times, magic occurred.

In April, I learned that 50 people can jump around hugging each other without it ever getting awkward.

In May, I learned how hard it is to add staff. You think it'd be all sunshine and flowers. But there are tons of worthy people out there. And every new employee has the potential to jack up your team's chemistry.

In June, I learned that music may be the most important element in a spot. And that failing to sell a great track can be just as devastating as failing to sell a great script.

In July, I learned to love creative testing.

In August, I learned that energy is 99% of my job. Again.

In September, I learned how to almost die on a Jeep trail. I also learned how it feels to stand at the top of a high mountain pass in the middle a big production crew on a sunrise photoshoot and suddenly be struck by a single thought. "My dad would be so proud of me right now."

In October, I learned that it is vaguely unsettling to achieve your goals. My whole professional life, I wanted to be a creative director at Karsh Hagan. And then I got that job. And I had to look in the mirror and say, "Now what?"

In November, I learned that it is almost impossible to change a preconceived notion.

In December, I learned that advertising is nothing like history. We are judged not on the results of the previous year, but on our potential for the next one. 2011 was good to Karsh Hagan. And to me. But it can and must be fucked off. It's over. What's next?

1 comment:

Internet Marketing Plans said...

That was such a compiled lesson.