Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week without a browser extended due to id10t error

When I decided to try to live for a week without a desktop browser, I expected a learning curve. What sites could I access with my mobile device? What blogs could I follow through my RSS reader? But I didn't anticipate the learning curve that came with the device itself. It took me a couple days to realize my secondhand Blackberry didn't come with a media card. And they don't make it easy for Mac users to update their system software. So I am extending the experience for another week. Maybe by next Friday I'll have something interesting to say about the mobile web. Or not.


Inorganik said...

So I'm curious, how did your experiment turn out? Is mobile the future?

300 Spartans Gym said...

Inorganik_1 thanks for checking in. I am still playing with the concept. But I have a post with one interesting tidbit that'll publish tonight. Stay tuned.